Yeast Colony PCR Protocol

Take yeast cells which were grown on a plate fresh from the 37C incubator (freshly grown yeast are better).
Take an autoclaved toothpick or pipette tip and touch a bit of the yeast colony. Do not scrape away a whole colony. Suspend it into a standard PCR mastermix.

PCR Cycling Conditions:
1. First Denaturing Step: 95 °C , 5 min
2. Denaturing Step: 95 °C, 30 sec
3. Annealing Step: 50-55 °C, 30 sec
4. Extension Step: 72 °C, 1min/kb
5. Repeat Steps 2-4: 34 Times
6. Final Extension: 72 °C, 3 min
7. Load the entire PCR reaction onto 1% agarose gel.


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